Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 199 - North Cascades Highway Stop

Yesterday we bit off a bit more than we could chew--Exploring-wise.  We tried to do a two-day trip in one day.  It was my fault really, and I failed to consider stop (taking pictures) times, daylight hours, and sun angles.  We got to what should have been our almost halfway point, and the sun was about gone.  We didn't bring anything to stay overnight with, so we hoofed it home, arriving at 11:30pm.

The day was fantastic.  Not a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining everywhere we went.  The deciduous trees were all changing color and providing lots of contrast against our states evergreen tree majority.  This was a stop in the teeny town of Newhalem, which is right on scenic Highway 20.  It was a very pretty little town, and had lots of colorful trees scattered around.  This picture was from a path we walked around the back side of their hydroelectric plant.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!