Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 190 - Angles, Wood, and Warning

I like our kittycat warning sign.  Even though I had nothing at all to do with buying it, I've always liked it.  When the old gate was replaced several months ago, it was only natural that we save the sign, whether it was cracked, broken, and warped or not (see the shot on Day 93).  It's just way too cool to let go of.

When I snapped a few pictures this evening, this one jumped out at me.  There are angles going every which way!  The fact that I snapped it at 27mm (wide angle) made the fence boards go different angles, then you have the top of the gate going a different way because I snapped it down low.  Add the house siding up at the top and suddenly the simple shot is a busy one!


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!