Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 300 - Pioneer Cemetery

Wow, day 300--only 65 days to go until the end of this journey of amateur photography!

Pioneer Cemetery is a teeny little cemetery in the heart of Auburn that has been there for over a century.  Today I was across the street shopping and passed by it when I headed home.  There was a hubbub of activity going on.  It seems that the city was cutting down the ancient oak trees that were probably planted back when the cemetery was first created.  They were old.  I hate to see them go!  It's just another nail in the coffin of the pleasant little town that Auburn used to be.

I ran this through an 'antique grayscale' filter, then ran it through a heavy grain filter, then gave it a bit of a vignette.  Kind of fitting for a cemetery sign... Wouldn't you agree?


Pernicious Panda said...

They are actually maple trees that have grown very diseased over the years and are now a hazard to pedestrians. The city is replacing them with new, sturdier trees. I appreciate that city officials made the effort to post signs and issue press releases regarding the work before they started in. It's unfortunately that the stately old trees will but gone, but truly, the work needed to be done.

Your photo is awesome! This cemetery holds a very important place in my heart. See auburnpioneercemetery.net.

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!