Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 278 - Frozen Cattails

It's been very cold around here lately.  For us that is.  Even though we're at the top of the country, we generally are saved from extreme temperatures during the winter months by our proximity to the waterways.  Also the mountain ranges shelter us somewhat.  As I said, we are having a pretty good cold snap here lately though.

This was a shot along a small road that gets nothing but local traffic.  It's in enough of a sheltered area that the sun never touches it, consequently the ice crystals just keep growing and growing.  It almost doesn't even look like a barbed wire fence does it?

Be sure to look at these pictures I post in full size by clicking on them.  Some of them are cropped enough in the blog preview that it really changes them when you look at them blown up.  The Christmas trees post on Day 266 comes to mind...


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!