Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 297 - Steppin' Out in Seattle

We went out on a picture-taking trip again today.  It was a beautiful day and we decided we would go to Seattle.  Recently Seattle has raised parking rates to astronomical levels, and we wanted to go somewhere we could park for free or cheap. We decided we'd hit Capitol Hill.

The Capitol Hill area of Seattle is known as a kind of hot spot for people that think and live "outside the box".  They don't care about what everybody else is doing--they do their own unique thing.  Anyway, we had an excellent day of wandering Broadway street, taking pictures of the trendy city folk.  I'll tell you--some of them really know how to put "a look" together.  I decided that the Capitol Hill area is the place to go when you want to see creative footwear.  Fashion there was all over the map.  Although I did get a few pictures of some of them, my guerrilla photography skills need work.

Instead I'll present these bronze dance moves inlaid into the sidewalk.  Rumba anyone?


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!