Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 294 - Luna on the Rise

I have an app on my iPod that tells us precisely (based on our latitude and longitude) when the sun and moon rise and set times are.  We also knew from previous experience that the moon rises over the Cascade mountains about 30 minutes after the official moonrise time because it's that much higher than the horizon.  We went driving around rural areas near Enumclaw this evening in anticipation of the event.  When it got dangerously close to "showtime" we went and settled for the spot that we figured would do the job.

We no sooner got out of the car and started getting our cameras set up when the moon began peeking over the mountains.  It worked out pretty well!

I just put the camera on the tripod, camera on manual, ISO 200, F4, and use the BULB setting so the shutter stays open as long as I hold the remote button down.  This one was 30 seconds.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!