Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 181 - Reflections of a Nerd

What better way to do a self-portrait of a nerd than like this?  For those of you that have never seen such a thing, this is the inside of a computer hard drive.  These drives are assembled in clean rooms and sealed tightly from the factory because they are susceptible to the tiniest grain of dust, so most people would never see inside of one.  This one went bad long ago but I kept it around for whatever reason.  You can actually plug it in and power it up and watch it run. 

I just thought it was a whimsical way to do a self-portrait.  After all, the platters in hard drives are polished about as highly and perfectly as a Hubble telescope lens and make an excellent mirror.


Sarah said...

That's so funny. Self portrait!

Sarah said...

I commented that before I read your blurb. So now I realized you called it a self-portrait alot. Nevermind!

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!