Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 73 - A Sunny Day in Seattle

Today was a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest, and Sue and I spent the entire day out in it.  After starting out our day with some sunbathing in the back yard, we motored into downtown Seattle for a big wingding at a camera store.  The rest of the day was devoted to wandering.  We found new places and took lots of pictures.

This was taken up on the southwest corner of Queen Anne Hill near a small park.  Everywhere we looked people were enjoying the sun in their own way.  This guy apparently decided that the edge railing of this walkway was where he wanted to read and catch some rays.


Sarah said...

Haha too funny. Did you do this discreetly? That reminds me of the guy who was sun bathing in the arboretum. I think someone got a picture of him?

Rick Williams said...

No, actually I didn't do it discretely. We did take a couple from a distance, but they weren't very good. We were walking his direction so I had my camera all ready and when we got to the right spot I raised it and said, "Now that's the way to spend a nice day like today" as I snapped the picture.

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!