Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 235 - Flicker

Flickers are one of our favorite breeds of birds.  They only show up when the hanging suet block is there for their enjoyment.  They apparently don't like anything in the feeders.

This is probably the best quality shot of a bird I've yet gotten in our back yard.  The shot itself is not great because there is a Junco in front of it trying to steal the limelight, but the clarity of the subject is pretty good.  I don't know if it's my new lens or that I just got lucky.  My lens does not afford me the luxury of zooming in on a bird from a long ways away because it's only 70mm at its fullest.  I'm relying on the fact that the suet block hangs right outside our bedroom window.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!