Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 48 - The Mystery

This place is on a very well-traveled road near us here and I go by it often.  I find it intriguing to wonder what's in the garage.  After all, the old Buick is a cool-looking car and seems to be in very good shape.

What could it be that is worthy of being locked up and hidden from prying eyes?  Logic tells me it must be better than what we can see...


Unknown said...

I say nothing of value..too many air holes whatever is in there has to be in bad shape...why don't you take a peak with a flashlight through the gaping opening at the bottom of the door..or is that just painted black to look like a hole..hmmmmmm? They are probably to old to catch you, but then again might be a good shot!

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!