Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 94 - Growing Bicycle

We took a trip north today to stop at "ghost towns" and stuff along the way.  We haven't yet found any ghost towns or anything similar, but we have gotten a lot of interesting pictures.  This shot was taken in the little podunk town of Riverside, Washington, which is about 40 miles south of the Canadian border.

I didn't do anything to this shot other than resize it.  I'm sitting in a motel in Osoyoos, Canada with my little bitty (not my regular) traveling laptop.  It's very underpowered so I didn't want to have to do much to a picture before posting it because it takes too long.  I chose this laptop to bring because I think the colors are more realistic on it.  The trade off is that it's an underpowered Pentium III.

And that's all from Canada for now, eh?


Sarah said...

Cool picture! Was everything rusty?

Rick Williams said...

Some things were. Wait until you see my Molson outdoor museum pictures... Lots of good rusty stuff.

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!