Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 304 - Echoes of a Deserted Playground

A school can be an empty place on a weekend.  If you add a dreary, rainy day into the formula it seems even more so.

This was shot near home at Lakeview Elementary School.  Their covered basketball play area is the perfect place for a game of basketball during inclement weather.  Apparently not many people know of it because there are no sounds in it except for your own echoing footsteps as you walk through.


Sarah said...

Dad: Which picture should I choose? Two holes or three holes? Sue: Three. Sarah: Three. Dad: Okay I'll choose two holes! :)

Rick Williams said...

Hey, I chose THREE holes! You guys need to learn to click the picture to see it FULL SIZE!

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!