Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 254 - Mirrored Me

Well I guess it's time for another shameless self-portrait.  As I always say, my camera goes everywhere with me, and work is no exception.  Even when I leave my desk to go on a delivery or pickup run it goes with me.

I happened to catch a glimpse of me in the side mirror when the sun hit me at one point and the "light bulb" went on (albeit dimly).  When I got to my delivery stop, I gave it a try.  The hard part was holding my camera in such a way as to not have it as the first thing you see in the window.  I actually have it sitting over my left shoulder on a timer.

I like the somewhat abstract nature of it.  Skewed, mirrored, and oddly-colored.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!