Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 201 - Fishing... Elbow to Elbow

Okay, they're not really that close, but they're pretty close!  I got such a kick out of these guys when I first saw them a few days ago from my car as I passed over a nearby bridge.  Since then I've kept an eye out--Looking over every time I cross the bridge.  Yep, there was a string of fishermen every single time I looked.

I could have done stuff to this shot such as cropping it in and that sort of thing, but instead all I did was brighten it up a little.  After all, it was not very good lighting.  I purposely kept the train trestle with the graffiti in the picture so you could get an idea of what kind of an area they were in.  This is actually shot withing just a few hundred feet of the mouth of Soos Creek, a notable salmon stream in our area.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!