Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 229 - Driving While Shooting

No, it's not the same as hunting out of your pickup truck in South Dakota.  I was going down the road today and got the wild idea of putting my camera up on the dash for a shot out the windshield of the car while it was moving down the road.  I took a few, but all of them but this one were bad, bad, bad.  This one was slightly less bad--I'd give it one bad.

I don't know what it is about movement shots, but the effects that I've gotten from movement shots are unusual, and apparently they strike a chord with me.  I like this one though.

I cropped out the lower part of the picture because it showed my windshield wipers, then I added a little color to the upper corners for a little added drama.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!