Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 172 - Boogie Board!

This was my last full day in Kauai and we spent it like it should be spent:  In the sun!  We bounced around to a few places that we had yet to see, and this was one of them.  It's called Shipwreck Beach. There were not a lot of boarders or surfers out today, but there were plenty enough to make it interesting.  As you can see, the water at this beach was amazingly clear.  We had a great time taking surfer shots, and I'm sure we'll go back to this beach next time I'm in Kauai.

All the shots I took were very clear due to the bright sun and clear water, and needed only the tiniest bit of fixing.  All I did to this particular shot was to tweak the contrast slightly.  No other alterations... Not even cropping.


What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!