Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 38 - Tail Draggin'

Sue and I had a great day today.  We spent time doing "catch-up" stuff around the house until mid afternoon, then we drove around scoping out the local lakes for the possibility of canoeing.

During our drive we took a lot of pictures of some very interesting and picturesque stuff.  Lakes, scenery, kids playing, and stuff like that.  On the way home we stopped at a new eatery in Covington, called 2 Seven 2.  When we left we saw this nice looking 50's Chevy pickup sitting in an interesting stance.  Complete with lake pipes and sporting a primer paint job, I thought it looked "Fifties" all the way and deserved to be featured in black and white.

Be sure to click these pictures I post so you can see the whole thing (Blogger clips them to fit).


Sarah said...

I like the way the dull paint looks with that shiny metal!

What are you looking down here for? Get outside and take some pictures!